What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is not like what you might see on a stage for entertainment. No one will be asked to balk like a chicken or sing like Madonna. Hypnosis is actually a natural state of mind. The average person goes in and out of a trance like state several times throughout the day. Have you ever felt “in the zone?” Meditation, prayer, day-dreams, getting absorbed in a story or activity, dreaming and hypnosis are all similar states of mind.
In hypnotherapy the client becomes very relaxed and meditative. This activates the right brain and the client becomes more aware of their inner experience. They can unlock trapped feelings and understand connections to why they make certain choices, use certain coping skills, defenses, and patterns of relating. Don’t worry. You will remember everything and you will be in complete control the whole time.
Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to overcome trauma, break destructive habits and learn healthier ways of coping, relating and taking care of self. Addressing and releasing energies that have been stored is freeing and empowering. This opens the way for happier and healthier experiences.
By Adelle Thomas, CMHC
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